Thursday, 17 May 2018

Showing my Appreciation

Recently, my mentor and upline Kylie Bertucci helped me through a difficult situation and I wanted to show my appreciation.

Seeing as we are in the business of expressing feelings and emotions by way of a personal handmade gesture, I thought why not make her a card!!

I used the super cute "This Little Piggy Set" for the front, then on the inside I have used another stamp from that set that says "says thanks".

I just wanted to keep it really simple as I just wanted to simply say Thanks.

I really like the monochromatic look with a very slight touch of color for the kisses from the piggy. Something subtle to break up the neutral tones.

Im so glad I got to use this set. I acually thought it was retiring but it will be carrying over to the new catalogue!!!

Thank you for stopping by to check out my card today.
A full list of items used to make this card features below and all items are available from my online store.

Until next time
Happy Stamping! (tap tap tap)

This Little Piggy Card Supplies:

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