Monday, 21 May 2018

Congrats Kerry

Recently one of my team advanced to Bronze Elite and I just had to make her a card. Its quite impressive because she only just joined up in January!

I was so excited for her so I made her something with a Bronze theme.

I wanted to use the letters from the Large Letters Dies set for the front but originally had no idea what to spell out on the front as there is limited space.

I knew I had to keep it short...Congrats was too long, even her name Kerry was going to be a bit squishy.
So I opted for the "BE" meaning Bronze Elite.

I also used the Fabulous Foil Acetate for the first time which is just so pretty and being acetate, you can see straight through it.

I saw this card on Pinterest and decided to adapt it for this occasion.
I really love how it turned out, I hope Kerry liked it too.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my card today.
A full list of items used to make this card features below and all items are available from my online store.

Until next time
Happy Stamping! (tap tap tap)

Bronze Elite Advancement Card supply list:

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