Thursday, 21 September 2017

Card Overlays

Whilst scrolling through the internet recently, I came across a gorgeous card made by Netherlands Stampin' Up! Demo Janneke De Jong. (whom I'm a big fan of).

The card was stunning and featured flourishes in white on a piece of Acetate which to me looked like a pre designed Overlay.
As Stampin' Up! sell these, I thought they were the ones Janneke used, so I broke out mine to discover that in fact, they weren't the same ones at all.
Perplexed by which ones she had used, because I couldn't find them anywhere in the catalogue, I set about CASE-ing the card and I made this.

Now, this card was made on a day when I wasn't really in the mood to create.
I don't know what was wrong but I just didn't have it. I thought for sure, if I sat with a card to CASE, my mojo would reappear. It never did.

So this card obviously turned out nothing like Jannekes and I'm not entirely happy with it.
The part of the card I was most interested in CASE-ing was the Acetate Overlay...
The Overlays I thought she used, when opening them, had nothing christmas themed in the pack at all.
Had I have researched my products, I would have realised she never used a pre designed overlay at all but she actually made her own.

It's also a little plain AND I cant believe I've used a now retired punch!
I have also used the Stampin' Up! stapler which is also retired, to attach the acetate overlay to the card but you could use any office stapler.
So as you can see, the day I made this my mind was elsewhere.

It goes to show that not every time you sit and make a card, its going to turn out the way you imagine or even hoped.
But I look at the card now and think...hey, for a beginner, someone just starting out in card making, its perfect.
Its simple, uncomplicated and even someone who has never made a card before could make this. It has a bit of everything...Stamping, Embossing, Punching and Layering.
So whilst some will say its is understated but it does work.
Its still handmade and I think still ok to send out.
Put it this way...I cant bring myself to throw it in the bin! lol

We are our harshest critics...just because I don't like it, doesn't mean someone else won't.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my project today
A full list of items used to make this card features below.

Until next time
Happy Stamping! (tap tap tap)
Michelle x

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