Tuesday 5 September 2023

Kindness is Everything

 I love CASE-ing Mary Fishs cards, I'm a big fan of her work and when I saw this it was no exception.

I love everything about it, the lines, the layout, the colour combo and most definitely the sentiment.

I never knew that Night of Navy and and Flirty Flamingo go so well together! Paired with some Gray Granite and a touch of Vellum it makes for quite a stunning pairing.
Probably the element I like the most about this card is that it's simple and sharp. Ever heard the saying "less is more"?  A card doesn't need to be busy to be attractive. So I like that this doesn't have too many elements to dress it up.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my card today. All items used to make this card feature below and are available from my online store anytime.

Until next time

Happy Stamping!

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