Friday, 4 August 2023

Trucking Along

Well it's time to start thinking about Christmas cards did that happen?

There is a new Christmas Catty on the way which I'm really excited about as I've never met anyone who doesn't like christmas. 

So while I wait for my new products to get here, I decided to play with some Christmas items from the Online Exclusives range and made a very Australian christmas card

I wouldn't have thought that I would be able to make use of the dsp but as long as you chose the right piece and pair it with the right bundle, it's not snow related which is perfect for our climate.

I can totally see some aussies following the tradition of heading out to the bush to find that perfect christmas tree, in a very aussie ute as well.

Really happy with this one. I knew I liked this bundle when I first saw it but now I've played with it, I love it even more.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my card today. All items used feature below and are available from my online store anytime.

Until next time

Happy Stamping!

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