Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Wishing You Everything Wonderful

I'm on a roll at the moment, keeping up with all the birthday cards I want to send and making sure I also have some in stock.

In one of my nightly perusals through Pinterest,I came across a card made by Verena Shapiro, I believe she is on the Artisan Design Team.

So I set about CASE-ing it.

Now this is right up my alley! It's always a particular colour combo that will jump out at me first which is why I think I was drawn to this. I had to make a layout change as the original was made as a slimline card and quite busy with the floral arrangement on the front. As I'm in Australia, I decided to change it to a standard card and thin the floral layout a bit. Bulky built up cards aren't my thing.

 But that colour combo right? 

Really happy with this one and it makes for a really pretty birthday card. 

Thanks for stopping by to check out my card today. All items used to make this card feature below and are available in my online store anytime. 

Until next time

Happy Stamping!

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